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If technology can be compared to a bridge, than the obstacles we must cross every day are rapidly disappearing. We're not running businesses through carrier pigeons and we're not commuting to work in a horse and buggy (although it'd be pretty cool if we were).

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Survival of the fittest that's what evolution has dictated since the beginning of time. When it comes to your company culture, workplace mentality and approach to business values, survival of the fittest still applies. Don't use inertia as an excuse to carry on traditions that can't keep up with the changing landscapes.

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If technology can be compared to a bridge, than the obstacles we must cross every day are rapidly disappearing. We're not running businesses through carrier pigeons and we're not commuting to work in a horse and buggy (although it'd be pretty cool if we were).

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Being truly open means, for most leaders, to be completely vulnerable. The goal is not only to remove the walls of your workplace but to remove the control/guilt associated with an out dated sense of productivity. Flexibility means shifting to a task and result focused approach and not punch card mentality. The clock becomes obsolete in this paradigm and that can be scary for everyone involved as it forces to distribute our energy effectively and not just look busy.

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